Monday, January 16, 2012

missing text

I want to tell you how i felt for this past few days
When u told me
"We met too early"
"need to wait very long till we get married"
If we meet at age 25, then it will be much better
But what is the word LONG stand for??

The real long wait for me
Is not being able to know you
Not able to cook for the one i love the most which is you
Not able to give you a kiss to wake you up in the morning
Not able to 'lecture" you when u did something "manly"
Not able to see your "angry bird" face
Not able to hug you
Not able to let you style my hair
Not able to give you massage when you are tired
Not able to looking at your sleeping-looking face
Not able to spend the night chatting with you
Not able to receive my best present for birthday+christmas+new year
Not able to...(endless)
just think of the stuff I wouldn't able to do could actually kill me instantly
it hurt so much
is like a knife cut through my body

Think about it !!
There are so many people in the world
But magically we met each other in this total different world.
How great is that !
So i very appreciate !!
Thanks God if i have to

I admit that we have long way to go!!
where the long is really the LONG
I know its gonna be hard
Hard than every ordinary couple
But who ever say love is easy ??
If so, everyone can easily find true love

Do you know
Since the day I hold your hand on my bed
I have made up my mind
I would never let it go
but sometime reality is so cruel

Two people from different countries
will eventually go back to their countries
But i don't think it gonna end that way
if we truly love each other, we could make it through

You have replaced my heart
unless you give back my heart
the place will always be yours
i will always reserve that place for you
and only you

懂得讓我微笑的人 再沒有誰比你有天份
輕易闖進我的心門 明天的美夢你完成
愛我 非你莫屬 
愛我 非你莫屬
也許會 笑著哭 但那人是你所以 不怕苦
Do you still remember this lyric ??
the one that made me smile
the one the broke into my heart and stole it away

That is no one but you

I will do whatever it take to protect the love you gave me
It hurt so much to be apart from you
I felt so sad every night
I now understand the sadness of want to cry but there is no tear
the tear is falling inside, deep inside

sometime i am so stupid
imagine that you are beside me
and hoping you might appear in my dream
only then I found some comfort to sleep

sometime i told myself
just one second
to hug you ever in the dream
to feel that you really here

Always told myself to stay strong
but then i realised that I am not as strong as i think I am
People might think I am happy now
But deep inside,
I am crying
just like a body without a soul

After i read the article you sent to me
I understand now
i am so sorry
i didn't tell you that how much i miss you
the pain u suffered is the same as mine


Because it is you


I would bear the pain

you are as important as my family right now
i really mean it this time
i know u hate me making future promise
So, i wouldn't do it this time
but i just want you to know

Yu Wing Sum
I love you
deeply in love with you
With every bit of my heart
My 21st wish is
Our love will last forever !!

(it is not a promise, it is a wish)

Let make it happen TOGETHER
okay?? (^ _^ )

1 comment:

  1. :)
    SO Sweeeeeeeeeeeet :)
    U clear all my doubts.
    U r a thinker.(Sometimes)
    But Every time when I think that there would be an end in front of us.
    Seriously, I cried(sadddddddd) :'(
    The reason I let u know not because I want u to worry abt me,
    but because how important u r to me.
    U r part of my life. :) dunno since when!
    Thank you for letting me know what s in yr mind. U know, yr facial expression is always "not right". It means a lot to me when u let me know what u r thinking, how u think abt it!!!
    Thank you <3
